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陈 学泓

Xuehong Chen


[ China ]

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences


Hemu Kafle
[ Nepal ]

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

I spent the most fruitful years of my carrier in the Nagoya University during my PhD studies. I have developed a theoretical model for calculating land surface heat fluxes in complex terrain like Nepal which leads to accurate estimation of water resources, agriculture production, ecological conservation etc. This work was published in prestigious journal as well most recently; I was awarded as a young scientist from The World Academy of Science and Technology (TWAS) for this contribution. This would not have been possible without strong knowledge in the field which I gained from professors and faculties of Nagoya University and most especially I am very thankful to Prof. Yasushi Yamaguchi for his guidance and support.
Currently, I am working as a senior scientific officer in Nepal Academy of Science and Technology. I am monitoring the frequency of drought occurrence in Nepal and its consequences in agricultural production.

Justin Wang
[ USA ]

Department of Environmental Engineering and Architecture

"During my college years, I did a year of studying abroad at Nagoya University.  I had such a wonderful experience that I decided to study at Nagoya University again. And I am glad that I chose to study at GSES.  GSES had an excellent master's degree program all conducted in English.  The international adviser at GSES was also a tremendous asset to the international students.  I was able to meet students from all across the globe and it expanded my global view. I highly recommend GSES as your choice of graduate school.  I believe you will have a great time like I did."
*GSES: Graduate School of Environmental Studies


■ 环境学研究生院留学生招收区分・各国人数一览
(2018年5月1日 现在)

  国费 私费 总计
合计 合计
孟加拉   1 1       1
比利时   1 1       1
巴西联邦共和国 1   1   1 1 2
柬埔寨王国 1 1 2 3 1 4 6
中华人民共和国 1 1 2 33 62 95 97
哥斯达黎加       1   1 1
捷克共和国       1   1 1
阿拉伯埃及共和国       1   1 1
芬兰   1 1       1
法兰西共和国         3 3 3
冈比亚         1 1 1
印度尼西亚共和国 2   2 2 1 3 5
伊朗       1   1 1
肯尼亚   1 1       1
马绍尔群岛         1 1 1
澳门       1   1 1
蒙古国       2 4 6 6
摩洛哥   1 1       1
莫桑比克共和国       1   1 1
缅甸联邦       1   1 1
尼日利亚   1 1       1
巴布亚新几内亚         1 1 1
菲律宾共和国   1 1 2 4 6 7
萨摩亚群岛 1   1       1
所罗门群岛   1 1       1
大韩民国       2 1 3 3
斯里兰卡         1 1 1
台湾       2 1 3 3
泰国 1 1 2 2 1 3 5
突尼斯   1 1       1
乌干达       1   1 1
美利坚合众国       1 1 2 2
越南   2 2 3 3 6 8
总计 7 14 21 60 87 147 168

■ 环境学研究生院留学生课程・各专业人数一览
(2018年5月1日 现在)

国费 私费 合计
合计 合计
硕士课程MC M1   1 1 2 5 7 8
M2       6 3 9 9
博士课程DC D1 2 5 7 6 3 9 16
D2 1   1 2 2 4 5
D3 2   2 5 4 9 11
非正规生(研究生等)       1 2 3 3
总计 5 6 11 22 19 41 52
国费 私费 合计
合计 合计
硕士课程MC M1   2 2 6 14 20 22
M2   1 1 11 7 18 19
博士课程DC D1   1 1 3 2 5 6
D2       3   3 3
D3   3 3 2 1 3 6
非正规生(研究生等)       1 7 8 8
总计 0 7 7 26 31 57 64
国费 私费 合计
合计 合计
硕士课程MC M1       3 14 17 17
M2 1 1 2 4 14 18 20
博士课程DC D1         3 3 3
D2 1   1 2 2 4 5
D3       2 4 6 6
非正规生(研究生等)       1   1 1
总计 2 1 3 12 37 49 52
硕士课程MC M1 47
M2 48
博士课程DC D1 25
D2 13
D3 23
非正规生(研究生等) 12
总计 168

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